As you get more confident with this budget you may wish to enter in more than 10 services. Its highly likely most budgets will have more than 10 services. In order to add a new service into the table follow these steps.
Select a cell somewhere in the middle of the table > Right click on the cell and select the “Insert” option > Select the ‘Entire Row’ option
You’ll now have a new row to add another service. You can repeat this step as often as you like until you have space for all the services you need. We selected a cell in the middle of the table to ensure we didn’t disrupt the SUM formula in the table. If you find you have too many services you can simply highlight the row of the service you no longer require, right click and select the delete option.
Give some thought to how you group your services. Rather than just list the services in the order you happened to think of them, there is likely a more professional way. Perhaps you could list them alphabetically? This would surely give your customers an easier time finding a certain service, in what could be a long list. Or better still you could group services into sub-categories?
Grouping services into sub categories could allow you to provide statistics and information in a far better way to clients and customers. For instance you could show the split of the budget between these sub-categories. For example insurance is 25%, management fees 10%, maintenance 50% and so on. Look at the set of services and categories below, can you match them correctly?